
Legal Information


Information in accordance with section 5 of the German Telemedia Act:

Weberei Höfer GmbH


Postal address:

Frieberting 6

83254 Breitbrunn, Germany


Contact details:

Telephone: +49 (0) 8051 9674 22

Fax: +49 (0) 8051 9674 20

E-mail: info@hoefer-stoffe.de


Represented by:

Gerhard Höfer, Jakob Höfer


Entered at

Traunstein local court

HRB 4127


VAT identification number



Copyright notice

Photo credits

Homepage – image gallery “traditional attire fabrics”:

Homepage tile “Fashion fabrics for women”: iStock.com/CoffeeAndMilk

Core collection tile “man”: iStock.com/peopleImages

Core collection tile “woman black dress”: iStock.com/CoffeeAndMilk

Fashion fabrics for women tile “Alta Moda”: iStock.com/CoffeeAndMilk

Fashion fabrics for women tile “woman black dress”: iStock.com/CoffeeAndMilk

Haberdashery and tailoring accessories tile “woman black dress”: iStock.com/CoffeeAndMilk

Other image sources: Weberei Höfer GmbH


Responsible for editorial content:

Weberei Höfer GmbH


The legal information section was creating using the “Imprint generator” from activeMind AG.


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